
Thoughts on a Quickening Global Publishing Machine

The Human/Machine Interface (HMI) took its first steps decades ago in the form of crude WordStar spellchecker intrusions on our static documents. Now, the walk has picked up to a polka pace as publishing becomes a real-time, global interchange of ideas and information. Medical publishing in particular pushes the pace towards an intimate pairing of

Pennies for a Press Release

We recently test drove ChatGPT on writing a press release for a new medical book, an assignment that, during the pen-centric era of prose, would have taken a professional medical copywriter a few hours and cost several hundred dollars. As food for “thought,” we fed the AI algorithm the Table of Contents, chapter abstracts, first

Book Expo Cancelled: Resurrection to Follow?

“End of an era!“ writes a colleague from London when the news hit: https://publishingperspectives.com/2020/12/reedpop-cancels-new-yorks-bookexpo-bookcon-retiring-the-event-permanently-covid19/ “No more dinners, dancing, or fun, ever again, anywhere, any more…” “Oh, sad,” I responded. “What times we’ve had!” I remember the BEA show in Miami in 1994, the heady elation after the first day of our Internet Start-up Booth. It

US CDC Guidelines on Reopening

May 5, 2020 OBS posts these CDC guidelines as a public service, as Massachusetts and other states and localities consider reopening their economies while COVID-19 remains at large in our communities. CDC submitted to White House (downloaded from San Jose Mercury News) Interim Guidance for Child Care Programs The reopening of child care programs is

May Day During COVID-19: A Time of Fear or Joy?

May Day! It’s May Day! We have three options to celebrate this day: a joyful, youthful celebration and dance; a protest of the masses against the elite; or a desperate cry for help. This pandemic year, it looks like all three types of May Day celebration were in order for the publishing industry. Remember the

OBS at Frankfurt Book Fair 2019

OBS is back again at the Frankfurt Book Fair again this October, ready to hit the ground running, exploring, and discovering digital publishing innovations and ideas for our clients and partners. One exciting initiative we are exploring is how blockchain networks can be put to use to update and streamline traditional publishing processes. The combination

The Phone, Mightier than the Sword

As things speed up to such an extent that there remains no time any more to muse, ponder, discuss, cogitate, and write things down, the old adage that the pen is mightier than the sword appears to be morphing into “the phone is mightier than the sword.” Witness the recent rise of live streaming as

Foreign Rights: “Sub” Rights No More

Back in the Paleolithic Age of Paper, information moved slowly. Slow like the Glyptodon. Books took nine months to gestate from manuscript to print. For content to reach readers beyond the market of origin, the Sub Rights Director at Publisher #1 (the primary publisher) would sell foreign rights (one of multiple “sub” rights, including serial rights, TV